Roblox FPS Unlocker

Roblox FPS Unlocker software increase the FPS for FREE. Roblox limits the frame rate to 60 FPS. If you’ve been frustrated because of the limit, then here is a solution.

Roblox FPS Unlocker

How to unlock FPS in Roblox for FREE?


Download the FPS Unlocker EXE for Windows.

Latest version is avaliable to download on our website. Press on the download button.


Install FPSUnlocker Setup exe file.

You should be able to see a single program file (.exe) inside the folder after the download. Go ahead and double-click on the program file.


Press Shift + F5 to view FPS in game.

Observer FPS before the launch of the FPS Unlocker, to be sure everything works correctly.


Launch or run the FPSUnlocker.exe.

After opening the program file, a Command Prompt will appear on your screen, and don’t worry if nothing happened after seeing the Command Prompt (try as Administrator).

Ready to unlock FPS?


Roblox FPS Unlocker

Supported Platforms Windows x86/x64
Version 5.3.0
Updated 30/06/2024

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Roblox FPS?